Down at the Cross

Is Down at the Cross a Funeral Hymn?

While not originally written for funeral services, “Down at the Cross” has a profound message of redemption and salvation, making it a compelling choice for memorial gatherings. Its themes of grace, forgiveness, and the transformative power of faith can bring comfort and hope to mourners as they reflect on the departed’s spiritual journey.

Why is Down at the Cross a Suitable Funeral Hymn?

  1. Celebrating Redemption and Salvation: “Down at the Cross” focuses on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redemption offered through His sacrifice. This hymn provides a powerful reminder of the deceased’s faith journey and the hope for eternal life. It allows mourners to celebrate the spiritual victory of the departed and find solace in the promise of salvation.
  2. Expressing Gratitude and Reverence: The lyrics of the hymn express gratitude for the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. In a funeral setting, this can serve as a poignant expression of reverence for the departed’s faith and a reminder of the eternal cleansing promised in Christian theology. Mourners can find solace in the belief that the departed has found peace through their faith.
  3. Encouraging Reflection on Spiritual Legacy: “Down at the Cross” invites mourners to reflect on the spiritual legacy of the departed. The hymn’s lyrics encourage those in attendance to consider the impact of the deceased’s faith on their own lives, fostering a sense of continuity and connection through shared beliefs.
  4. Musical Uplift and Inspiration: The melody of “Down at the Cross” is uplifting and inspiring, creating an atmosphere conducive to reflection and spiritual contemplation. The hymn’s musical qualities can enhance the funeral service, providing a comforting backdrop for mourners as they navigate their emotions and memories.
  5. Unifying Congregational Participation: With its accessible melody and singable lyrics, “Down at the Cross” encourages congregational participation. During a funeral service, this communal expression of faith can unite mourners in a shared experience, fostering a sense of support and connection as they celebrate the life and faith of the departed.

Down at the Cross Lyrics

Down at the cross where my Savior died,
Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!

Glory to His Name, glory to His Name:
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His Name!

I am so wondrously saved from sin,
Jesus so sweetly abides within;
There at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His Name!

Come to this fountain so rich and sweet,
Cast thy poor soul at the Savior’s feet;
Plunge in today, and be made complete;
Glory to His Name!

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