Crown Him with Many Crowns

Is “Crown Him with Many Crowns” a Funeral Hymn?

“Crown Him with Many Crowns” is a hymn that exudes grandeur and reverence, traditionally sung to celebrate the exalted nature of Jesus Christ. While not explicitly designated as a funeral hymn, its triumphant lyrics and majestic melody lend themselves to creating a dignified and uplifting atmosphere, making it a compelling choice for memorial services.

Why is “Crown Him with Many Crowns” a Suitable Funeral Hymn?

  1. Christological Emphasis: The hymn focuses on the various crowns that symbolize the multifaceted glory of Jesus Christ—King of kings and Lord of lords. This emphasis on the exalted nature of Christ can provide a source of comfort and hope, particularly for those mourning the loss of a loved one. It redirects attention to the eternal reign of the Savior, bringing solace in times of grief.
  2. Proclamation of Victory: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” boldly proclaims the victory of Christ over sin and death. This triumphant message can be a poignant reminder during funeral services that, even in the face of earthly loss, there is ultimate victory and redemption through faith. The hymn encourages mourners to celebrate the eternal life promised to believers.
  3. Majestic Melody and Harmony: The hymn’s melody, composed by Sir George J. Elvey, is regal and majestic, complementing the lofty themes of the lyrics. The harmonious arrangement contributes to the creation of a solemn and dignified atmosphere, providing a fitting backdrop for a funeral service. The powerful music can evoke a sense of reverence and awe.
  4. Versatility in Arrangements: “Crown Him with Many Crowns” has been arranged in various musical styles, from traditional organ renditions to more contemporary orchestral or choral arrangements. This versatility allows families to choose an arrangement that aligns with the overall tone and style of the funeral service, making it a flexible choice for diverse preferences.

“Crown Him with Many Crowns” Lyrics

Crown Him with many crowns
The Lamb upon His throne
Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns
All music but its own
Awake, my soul, and sing
Of Him who died for thee
And hail Him as thy matchless King
Through all eternity

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